
We take people who are 16+ on Work Experience in arrangement with their schools.

Work Experience

Currently, Sage Green CIC provides Work Experience for vulnerable people in the community.  We are in the position to provide a safe and sheltered work experience which enables individuals to flourish and feel part of the wider community. 

Volunteers are an important part of our success.  We welcome people with open arms.  Please check out the Volunteers page and submit your application.  We would be delighted to hear from you!
Get in touch today!

Want to volunteer?

Get in touch to see how what we do, may help you, or what you can do to help us!

Work experience on our Community Veg Patch is available for anyone who wishes to work in the growing community. Volunteers are an important part of our success. We welcome people with open arms. We would be delighted to hear from you!

Sage & Greens CSA

Community Supports Agriculture

We are a community supported veg-box scheme. This means our share members (you) support us through an annual subscription paid annually or monthly via the GoCardless direct debit service – in return we supply you with a share of our harvest throughout the seasons. Your subscription gives Sage & Greens CSA continuity of income that our market garden, which is determined to be highly productive, needs to plan for the following growing season.


Growing vegetables to an organic standard seasonally through the year and be sustainable also means we contribute towards the mitigation of climate change through reduced food miles and zero use of agrochemicals. Our CSA will be an invaluable part of the UK food system and you, as a member, will benefit from eating healthy, fair priced, local, seasonal healthy food.